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Over 5,000 substandard transformers installed in Kashmir


 India, Jammu and Kashmir: During a recent inspection, the Power Development Department (PDD) officials have found that over 5,000 transformers in Kashmir do not bear the names of manufacturing companies or date of their production.  

These transformers were installed without the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) certification leading to frequent breakdowns and power outages, reports Rising Kashmir.

The government had directed that PDD should only buy transformers with BIS certification, but the government continues to purchase transformers without BIS certification. 

Chief Engineer at PDD, Bashir Ahmad Khan, said the BIS certification has not been made mandatory yet because they would have faced shortage of stock to replace the old transformers with new ones, but it will be made mandatory from next year. 

“We will stop purchasing the transformers from companies which are not registered for BIS certification and the certification will be made mandatory from February 2016,’’ he said.
Rising Kashmir