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Albania’s power generator to receive $241M loan from EBRD


 The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has granted a $241 million (€218 million) loan to Albania’s state-owned electricity generation company Korporata Elektroenergjitike Shqiptare (KESH) to support its restructuring and reform package.

The EBRD loan will offer the power generator a long-term financing, which will help it to reduce costs and boost liquidity.

KESH plans to use the financing for the maintenance of existing assets and undertaking a modernization program.

Source: EBR

g> that destroyed electrical and electronic equipment, and the affected victims were most probably trying to put off their electrical and electronic devices.


Although there are no reports on what might have caused the incident, Today reports that the community had written several letters to AEDC to warn of theneed to install another transformer and carry out proper wiring of the area to ease the load on the existing transformer.

Source: Today