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ABB wins US$20 million power transmission order in Brazil
2010-11-22 Power Transmission News Power Transmission News
ABB has won an order worth $20m from Brazilian utility Eletronorte to provide a Static Var Compensation (SVC) solution that will help to enhance the capacity of power supplies in the Maranhao-region of north east Brazil.
The company will design, supply, install and commission the SVC unit in Sao Luis, boosting electricity supply through existing 230kV transmission lines to improve voltage control and 500kV system performance during contingencies.
The new SVC unit will also control the previously installed SVC at the Sao Luís II substation, and the new project is expected to be completed by 2012.
ABB has previously supplied flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) technology to Electronorte and is also currently executing the Vilhena SVC project.